Todd and Fern: Alone Together
A co-directed, co-written, and co-produced short film for a class project. This video is an adaptation of the Frog and Toad story with our own unique twist. This was made using Sony a7iii and edited on Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects.
Wally's Assets: Ilya Blazh & Band Highlights
These are two videos that I produced and edited for Hackrah Media for Wally's Cafe Jazz Club, highlighting Ilya Blazh and the band. Check out more of the videos here
The Deadliest Sins Promotional Shoot: The Fashion Society Spring 2023 Fashion Show
This is a promotional video that I shot and edited. This video premiered on the Fashion Society's Instagram page to promote their upcoming fashion show. Check out some of the video stills here!

Swipe: Movement and Time

This is a stop motion animation video completed through photographs and Adobe Premiere Pro. The soundtrack was altered through Audacity from an existing song piece.

College Decision Day

Duchesne Seniors (Class of 2022) showed off where they were going to attend for college.

Last Words

This short film is about a girl who has to overcome a difficult experience from her past. This was completed for college admissions.

Duchesne Powderpuff Promotional Video

This was a promo video to advertise the upcoming Powderpuff games that were coming up to hype up the students and surrounding schools. It was displayed on the school's Instagram page and internally at their assembly.

Dear Future Freshmen

This video was created during a retreat for the future senior class (2022) to give the future freshmen class (2025) some advice they thought would be helpful for them as they entered high school.

Field Day 2021

This video was a recap on the Field Day event across elementary, middle, and high school at Duchesne Academy in Houston, TX.

Day in the Life of an Upper School Girl

This video gave insight to potential new students and parents to a day in the life at Duchesne. It was posted on the school's Instagram page and shown to people who came to shadow.

Chance: Kubrick Project

This short film is about how fate can change at the flip of a coin. This was completed with the SOCAPA project in 2021.

Already Gone: Porter Project

This short film is about a girl who struggles with a friend who always pushes her aside. This was completed with the SOCAPA program in 2021. 

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